Mtsvadi – Georgian Shashlik


Marinated Pork Recipe with Sweet and Sour Sauce


  • Sweet and sour sauce 5 Tablespoons
  • Black pepper 35 Quantity (pea)
  • Laurel leaf 10 Quantity
  • Sol room 2 Tablespoons (large)
  • 5 Tablespoons wine vinegar
  • Onion 5 pieces (large)
  • Pork neck 3 Kilo
  • Adygei salt 1 Tablespoon

The meat is washed and cut into small pieces.

And now we take up the marinade. To do this, take a bowl, prepare the onion (it will need to be cut into rings), lavrushku, two kinds of salt and pepper.

In a bowl add the sliced ​​meat earlier, laid on top of onions. Adding prepared in the previous step, the ingredients (salt, Lavrushka, paprika), and – vinegar.

Thoroughly mix all the meat mingled with the other ingredients and marinated evenly. Now cover the resulting mixture tarleko, set the top of the load. Put a bowl with meat marinated in a cool place for 2 hour. If you can marinate the meat in the evening, so that it is constantly night, it will do fine!

Marinated meat put on skewers. Carefully monitor that the dish is ready. Do not forget to periodically sprinkle the meat.