Category: Chef Guy Mitchell

Category: Chef Guy Mitchell

Bush Family Ranch Recipe

A Presidential Recipe: Bass Livornese from the Bush Family Ranch

chef_Guy-LogoChef Guy of the White House Chef Tour has prepared meals for world leaders and dignitaries at the White House for years. This particular recipe comes from the Bush Family Recipes which was used on their Texas Ranch to feed heads of States. This is a perfect dish for fish lovers, and a different twist on traditional American fare. Enjoy this out on the patio with great family and friends.          Bass Livornese White House 1    4-pound striped bass or black bass (large or small mouth) 1   onion, thinly sliced 1   clove garlic, minced 1/4 cup olive oil 1/4 cup chopped parsley 1/4 cup dry white wine 1/2 cup peas 1/2 cup canned tomatoes Italian bread slices, toasted Cut bass into 1-1/2 inch slices.  Saute onion and garlic in olive oil for 10 minutes.  Add bass and remaining ingredients, cover and simmer for 10 minutes.  Serve on toasted bread.

ap_bush_family_050114_ssh(1) Image Courtesy of

Clinton’s favorite Lobster Special

Clinton’s favorite Lobster Recipe

chef_Guy-LogoChef Guy of the White House Chef Tour has prepared meals for world leaders and dignitaries at the White House for years. This particular recipe is a show stopper! It’s wonderful on a buffet or just a hot summer evening. The Clintons loved lobster but President Bush, Sr. did not.  This unique dish is a great recipe to make on the 4th of July for a delicious change of pace.

Lobster Figaro

1   tablespoon chopped (fresh) tarragon

3   2-pound lobsters, boiled and split

2   cups cooked crab meat

1   tablespoon tomato paste

1   tablespoon lemon juice

1   cup of mayonnaise

Remove the lobster meat and chop in chunks. Save the shells.  Combine the lobster and crab meat together. Mix mayonnaise, tarragon, tomato paste, and lemon juice.  Add to seafood and fill the shells with this mixture served chilled.

Image Courtesy of

Obama’s famous Chili


President Obama’s Famous Chili Recipe: A Taste of White House History


Chef Guy of the White House Chef Tour has prepared meals for world leaders and dignitaries at the White House for years. So he’s learned a lot about our presidents’ tastes. Like how two of President Obama favorite foods are broccoli and spinach. Plus, he dislikes mayonnaise, salt & vinegar potato chips along with asparagus, and he drinks water not soft drinks. But with a picky palate comes discerning tastes, plus an eye for cooking. Here we have President Obama’s chili recipe, a surefire way to stay warm on those cool summer nights under the stars, and a perfect end to an evening of BBQ and fireworks!

Obama’s Famous Chili Recipe

1   Large chopped onion

1   chopped green pepper

several cloves of garlic, chopped

1   tsp. olive oil

1   lb. ground turkey or beef

1   tsp. cumin

1   tsp. ground oregano

1   tsp. turmeric

1   tsp. ground basil

1   tbsp. chili powder

3   tbsps. red wine vinegar

several tomatoes, chopped

1   can red kidney beans

Saute onion, green pepper and garlic in olive oil till soft.  Add turkey or beef and stir till brown.  Combine spices, then add to ground meat.  Add red wine vinegar.  Add tomatoes and let simmer till they’re cooked down.   Add kidney beans and cook for a few more minutes.  Serve over white or brown rice.  Sprinkle shredded cheddar cheese, more chopped onions or scallions and sour cream over as garnish.

serves six

Image Courtesy of